Entry Date: 10.12.2020, at 06:00:06 hrs (local)

Whangarei - Kaikoura

Rough Cook Strait


PRID: 12067
LegID: 326
LegNo: 74
Latitude: S042°14.07'
Longitude: E174°05.72'
Day#: 996
Log (Day): 66 nm
Log (Leg): 678 nm
Log (Total): 52679 nm
After a very rough night crossing the infamous Cook Strait, the sun rises in the East again and the wind calms down.

Even the wind was "only" 38 knots, which is in westerly wind directions not to bad, it was an unpleasant and wet night. The main sail was all reefed and the small jib occasionally got reefs too.