Entry Date: 09.11.2023, at 07:00:00 hrs (local)

Mayotte - Richards Bay

On the way to South Africa


PRID: 12860
LegID: 350
LegNo: 95
Latitude: S026°11.53'
Longitude: E033°01.86'
Day#: 1449
Log (Day): 16 nm
Log (Leg): 1244 nm
Log (Total): 73740 nm
Days sailing: 14
Covered distance: 1239 nautical miles
Distance to destination: 181 nautical mile
Weather: 5kn S wind, 1.5 m swell, cloudy, 22 degree Celsius
Mood of the crew: tense

At sun rise we are already for three hours on our way and have covered 16 nautical miles.

During last night the wind has died almost completely. Currently there is hardly any wind. Yanmar San is kind enough to provide us with propulsion. Our weather window will close again on Saturday with the next southerly gale force wind. Until then we have to arrive in Richards Bay, South Africa.