Entry Date: 05.07.2024, at 12:00:00 hrs (local)

St. George, Bermuda - Horta, Azores

Arrived in the Azores


PRID: 13056
LegID: 358
LegNo: 103
Latitude: N038°31.93'
Longitude: W028°37.49'
Day#: 1607
Log (Day): 105 nm
Log (Leg): 1919 nm
Log (Total): 84264 nm
Days sailing: 16
covered distance: 1915 nautical miles
Distance to destination: 0 nautical miles
Weather: 10 kn ENE wind, small waves, sunny, 28 degree Celsius
Mood of the crew: happy

We have finished our seventh ocean crossing today and have returned to the European Union.

At 8:30 a.m. we make landfall in the port of Horta. It is the main port for arrivals from overseas in the archipelago of the Azores, belonging to Portugal.

After Lutz has cleared in we get a place in the marina. Soon after SuAn is safely docked we celebrate our safe arrival with a bottle of champagne.