Honiara - Gizo
17.11.2014 - 15.12.2014

Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands is a country in the south western Pacific, consisting of 992 islands, atolls, cays and cover a land area of 28,900 square kilometers (11,000 sq mi). The country´s capital, Honiara, is located on the island of Guadalcanal. The country consists of the following main islands: Choiseul, the Shortland Islands; the New Georgia Islands; Santa Isabel; the Russell Islands; Nggela (the Florida Islands); Malaita; Guadalcanal; Sikaiana; Maramasike; Ulawa; Uki; Makira (San Cristobal); Santa Ana; Rennell and Bellona; the Santa Cruz Islands and three remote, tiny outliers, Tikopia, Anuta, and Fatutaka.
As of 2006, the majority 552,438 people on the Solomon Islands are ethnically Melanesian (94.5%). Polynesian (3%) and Micronesian (1.2%) are the two other significant groups. There are a few thousand ethnic Chinese.
In the traditional culture of the Solomon Islands, age-old customs are handed down from one generation to the next, allegedly from the ancestral spirits themselves, to form the cultural values of the Solomon Islands.
