Entry Date: 14.10.2018, at 12:00:00 hrs (local)

Nuku´alofa - Whangarei



PRID: 11639
LegID: 314
LegNo: 63
Latitude: S023°39.49'
Longitude: W178°54.01'
Day#: 813
Log (Leg): 274 nm
Log (Total): 46287 nm
Days under way: 4
Covered distance: 264 nautical miles
Distance to New Zealand: 763 nautical miles
Weather: 20 knots S-wind, sunny
Mood of the crew: happy

As expected the wind was increasing over night and blows now with 20 kn from South. We are quite happy to be here while the wind is coming from this unfavorable direction.

Now it is about high tide. The conditions here, inside of the lagoon, are still very good. Even though the reef is now completely submerged, the ocean waves are still not high enough to cross over in to the lagoon. This might be changing with the high tide in the coming night since the forecast predicts wave heights of 11 feet in the ocean outside.

This morning five more yachts have arrived in the Minerva Reef. In total there are eight vessels in the lagoon waiting for more favorable conditions to continue to sail to New Zealand.