Entry Date: 15.12.2014, at 09:48:35 hrs (local)

Honiara - Gizo

Last visit in Gizo


PRID: 10761
LegID: 277
LegNo: 39
Latitude: S008°05.98'
Longitude: E156°50.45'
Day#: 449
Log (Day): 12 nm
Log (Leg): 472 nm
Log (Total): 25353 nm
It is time to leave the Solomon Islands and continue our journey towards North. After a beautiful sail from Kolombangara through the Brackett Street we anchor again in front of Gizo.

We clear out with Customs and Immigration and have to leave 24 hours later. Unfortunately we don´t get a permission to visit the other Solomon Islands on the way after that official clear out.
A last time this year we use the opportunity of having Internet at the Internet-Cafe of the Telekom office, which is just behind the big Christmas tree. We buy fresh fruits and vegetable from the market (just along the shore), some groceries and beverages.
In the evening we enjoy the shining lights on the Christmas tree and play some Christmas songs. But the loud south pacific rhythms from the Waterfront Pub are all over the bay and we better switch off SuAn´s board music.