Entry Date: 18.08.2014, at 10:21:24 hrs (local)

Aneityum - Vanuatu - Torres - Vanuatu

Clearing in Vanuatu


PRID: 10669
LegID: 274
LegNo: 38
Latitude: S020°14.38'
Longitude: E169°46.65'
Day#: 400
Log (Total): 23699 nm
To clear in a new country is the duty of the skipper anywhere in the world. The basic process is the same almost everywhere but the rules and the details differ from country to country.
It seems that Vanuatu changed its rules in 2014. Now there is the need of a prior notice of arrival. One is requested to log in to the webpage of the Vanuatu Customs Border Control and fill in an online form. Short time later we received per email a reply. We were informed that Aneityum is not an official port of entry (anymore). We asked for a special permission and received it against a fee. Armed with this document we left New Caledonia.
Due to the wind situation we scheduled our arrival for Sunday. In order to avoid expensive overtime charges we waited until office hours on Monday. After a short time we found the tiny police station. The officer was very friendly, cleared us temporarily in to Vanuatu, provided us with a cruising permit to Port Vila (in a sealed envelope) and collected a fee of 10,000 Vt. In Port Vila we have to do the real clearance.
Now we have legally arrived in Vanuatu.
The image shows SuAn anchoring in the Anelghowhat bay, Aneityum Island.