Entry Date: 21.01.2012, at 17:00:00 hrs (local)

Brisbane - Bundaberg

Back in Australia


PRID: 10333
LegID: 256
LegNo: 33
Latitude: S027°19.92'
Longitude: E153°04.97'
Day#: 346
Log (Total): 21419 nm
After our long stay in cold Germany we are back in the summer in Australia.

Before we leave the marina we need to overcome our jetlag a bit. 12 hours time difference to Germany take some time for our bodies to adjust. We walk along the seaside of the little town, called Sandcliff. At low tide sand dunes and knee deep water are visible for a couple of hundreds of meters out in to the bay. That´s why the place is also called Sandgate. Kite surfers enjoy themselves in the shallow water at good winds.