Entry Date: 03.09.2010, at 21:32:13 hrs (UTC)

Canada - Canada

The 1000 Islands


PRID: 10002
LegID: 237
LegNo: 16
Latitude: N038°58.48'
Longitude: W076°29.55'
Day#: 146
Log (Total): 8554 nm
After a 16 hours bus drive to Syracuse (New York) our friends Marleyne and Heiner pick us up to take us by car to Canada.

Here we have arrived in the land of the 1000 Islands, which is stretching from the St. Lawrence River to the eastern side of Lake Ontario. The landscape is very different from what we have seen with SuAn so far. Coniferous forests and rocky shores are everywhere. Some islands are natural parks, others are private owned and dinghy docks or houses are built on those islands.

Our friends have sailed their boat La Buena Vida to this beautiful place and invite us to stay overnight on board. We enjoy swimming in the clear water and are happy to see each other again. The next day we sail 35 miles through this beautiful area of the St. Lawrence River to Kingston.